Symptoms overview

If you have been recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), you may be concerned about which new symptoms might develop. The range of symptoms can depend on the locations of lesions in the central nervous system. Those most often reported to healthcare professionals are sensory symptoms (for example, numbness, tingling, burning pain), motor symptoms (weakness, stiffness, clumsiness, difficulty with walking), visual symptoms and fatigue. You may find it helpful to keep a diary of MS symptoms to discuss with your MS team.

Information about different types of symptoms is grouped under relevant menu headings. These sections are in development, and more posts will be added in due course.

You can take positive action by helping to monitor your symptoms. Reproduced from Brain health: time matters in multiple sclerosis, Giovannoni G et al. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2016;9 Suppl 1:S5–S48, with permission from Oxford Health Policy Forum.